Kimi won...yay...!!!

Nothing much happening in the packing department...though I started packing my cds awhile ago. As you can tell, I got my priorities right :P
Oh and I got a gmail account...woohoo...!!!
"You need a friend without a doubt. I wonder why you came around. Are you awake or do you dream. You're stuck inside a frozen scene" - Alphaville (Dream Machine)
Just posted all the photos from Matt & Maya's engagement party to my website. To see more photos, please go to, click on "interests" at the menu and on "photo albums".
Or for direct link, please go to:
Today is soooo dragging...I wish it's Friday. Posted some new stuff to my website though for some reason the URL hasn't been working for a few days now :( Maybe I have to redo the URL redirection again...not sure...just hope that I can still keep the name "dreamscapes".
Speaking of Dreamscapes, I finally got some tracks off Alphaville's Dreamscapes limited edition album. The band seemed to change their style of music...more mellow...not their usual Euro synth music, though their lyrics are certainly darker now eg. "Script of a Dead Poet" that track...hehehe.... Chat with Jasin the other night. He was listening to Alphaville's "Big in Japan". I think I influenced him...heh...I recommended some of their other classic tracks as well.
Ayway, that's it for now. See you in tomorrow's news.